Sunday, February 18, 2007

Parravicini’s prophecies about 911, Osama, and the war on terror

The Liberty of North America will lose her light. Her torch will not light as yesterday did and the monument will be attacked twice. ! - Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1939

Osama, the fatigued guerrilla

The fatigued guerrilla will riddle his creator with bullets. They will turn against each other. Extermination!

- Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1972

Osama and Al-Qaeda were a creation of the Saudis and the CIA in order to combat the "atheist" invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. Osama rebelled against his creators triggering the so call “War on Terror”.

As a consequence US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. The reconstruction of these two countries has been delayed for years because the US has focused mainly on a campaign of extermination of any movement that opposes its policies.

Osama “the tired guerrilla” is a clear reference to that video he released where he appeared tired, as if he was sick.

War on Terror

Guerrilla war in the world – beginning of the end! Dead!

- Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1972

Bush and Cheney pictured?

The short vision of the world powers will be clouded and they will roll in atomic madness. Chaos!

- Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1972

The "short vision of the world powers" must be a reference to the unilateral approach taken by the US and in particular the Bush administration on international affairs. Bush has declared the UN irrelevant and with it international law. He has ignored the pledge for peace of millions of people around the world and in his own country. He has legalized torture, kidnapping, assassination of world leaders and has created a department of disinformation whose only purpose its to deceive allies and foes about the intentions of the US government in the world. George W. Bush even asked those who oppose the war to give the Iraq war a chance.

The threat of a nuclear attack on Iran, to "prevent" a nuclear war is the summit of that madness, the nuclear madness.


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