Fourth Prophecy: Run gringo, run!
“Run gringo run”, will be the most heard expression by “United Staters” across Latin America. The oppression exercised by the US on the Latin peoples is so unbearable that people are turning violent and start to burn and destroy North American properties across the continent.
“Do not consume gringo products”, people express on the streets. ”Not to corporations, and religious sects that propagate American ideologies”. Not to sloppy figures walking down our streets and country sides”. *
The xenophobia unleashed against them grows deeper, and people turn from words to actions. Not only their houses, cars and properties are marked with aggressive signs, but also they are assaulted, kidnapped and killed. The situation is such that the US government warns, and threatens to use its military might. It attempts to undermine these governments through the work of secret organisms, which has always constituted its major weapon. But this time is different, it isn’t just one country that has rebelled, is almost the entire Latin America
The US is aware that invading is a double edged sword, but cannot afford to lose their properties. Destabilizing governments is again the strategy. For these purposes it makes unworkable promises if their demands are listened to. It offers weapons to the armies, which at the same time help the US get rid of so much junk and garbage whose storage has become cumbersome. It promises to strengthen democracies for which it creates enemies everywhere.
To the youth they promise scholarships, technology transfer and labs. The US government seems like a mad politician on the eve of elections, making promises that is unable to keep, trying to gain some time.
Only the weakest governments give up to the pressure and to the offers, but later on they realize their mistake and that their freedom and sovereignty has been lost. This deception makes them really upset, when they find themselves turned into puppets of a bizarre comedy. From now on, they will be more cautious before the twisted and truculent style of the American diplomacy.
Numbers of protesters walk on the streets, they burn American flags as a sing of protest, and repeat over and over “Gringos out”. The US government threatens to invade. But the only mentioning of the word “invasion” exacerbates the feelings, turning them volatile.
For many Americans the only resource left is to run away and leave for the fear of retaliations. To those who refuse to leave, their properties are destroyed and looted. The US government demands security for its citizens, but these demands fall on deaf ears, because the memories of its mocks cannot be forgiven.
When they are about to get in the planes that are taking them back to their country, they are booed by the crowd; they are thrown tomatoes and rotten eggs. They really look humbled and tired. They feel their dignity has been violated, and their social and economic status hit. In their minds they brood over. It is not the first time they have to rush to leave a continent under the accusatory gaze of those whom once they subjugated.
These happenings mean more problems for the government. What to do with all these new wave of jobless? There are so many that it worsens the existing chaos of the country. And how to recover the millions in loses left when factories and oil wells were abandoned in the rush. And they wonder how could have been possible that so many unpleasant and discouraging events have happened to them during the last years. But they do not accept yet that they are just harvesting the result of what they have planted throughout their convulsive history. Because when you grow so many thorns you cannot expect to collect silky and scented flowers.
Neighboring countries turn against the US, reinforcing border tariffs. On one border there are huge signs written “Gringos not allowed, their access is forbidden.”
Exports become more and more difficult, and imports follow the same pattern. Some members of the government exclaim “this is an international conspiracy; they want to put us against the corner”
“Run gringo run” becomes an irony in itself. And when this statement is applied to the reality becomes even more ironic, because Americans now go from one place to another within their own country, looking for jobs and for better guaranties to live and work. But it seems like all the States are infected with the same problems; very few factories, few farms, and too much drug-addiction. In spite of the extension of the country, the nation feels asphyxiated by its own needs. Many cry “How to emigrate if all the doors are closed?”
“Run gringo run...” is a sentence carried by the howling wind. It is a sign which doesn’t let them rest. It is as if the earth itself did not like to be trodden by them.
*Latin Americans of all social classes show their respect for others by dressing up everytime they go out. American visitors on the other hand are known for disregarding this custom and believing they have the right to bypass all social norms.
Labels: Disasters, Nostradamus, Predictions, Prophecy, United States
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